Storage Media

Featured here is a FAT16 DOS compatible, root directory filesystem for the 8051 and Keil C51, plus low-level io routines to operate this over both SD and CompactFlash memory media.

Respective media support files contain artwork and instructions, to build SD and CompactFlash media receptacle PCBs.

SD Card PCB Artwork.


A FAT16 DOS compatible root directory file system for the 8051 and Keil C51. –
Sector level Compact Flash routines for the 8051 and Keil C51. –
Both of the above, plus instructions for constructing the Compact Flash header PCB. –
Sector level SD memory card routines for the 8051 and Keil C51. –
FAT16 DOS filesystem, SD card routines, plus instructions for constructing the SD card header PCB. –