
The LiquidCrystal_I2C library is a modified version of the standard LiquidCrystal library as found on the Arduino website.

HD44780 controlled LCD, fitted with Chinese PCF8574 I2C backpack.
HD44780 controlled LCD, fitted with Chinese PCF8574 I2C backpack.

This library is intended to be used when a parallel HD44780 compatible LCD is controlled over I2C using a Chinese PCF8574 extender, as sold on eBay.

Chinese PCF8574 I2C to parallel LCD backpack
Chinese PCF8574 I2C to parallel LCD backpack.

Be aware that the Chinese PCF8574 extender is available in two versions, the PCF8574 and the PCF8574A, the only difference between the two is the I2C base address. See the documentation for details.

Library Download.

Arduino code library: