Bluetooth BLE iBeacon on ESP32

An exploration of BLE_iBeacon.ino – A Bluetooth BLE iBeacon on an ESP32.

The example presented builds using Platformio with the espressif arduino-esp32 core, and leverages the NimBLE-Arduino Bluetooth library.

Project source code

; File: platformio.ini
; PlatformIO Project Configuration File
;   Build options: build flags, source filter
;   Upload options: custom upload port, speed and extra flags
;   Library options: dependencies, extra library storages
;   Advanced options: extra scripting
; Please visit documentation for the other options and examples

platform = espressif32
board = esp32dev
framework = arduino


lib_deps = h2zero/NimBLE-Arduino@^1.4.0
// File: main.cpp
   Based on Neil Kolban example for IDF:
   Ported to Arduino ESP32 by pcbreflux
   Changed and augmented by <[email protected]> - MIT License.
// Create a BLE server that will send periodic iBeacon frames.
//   1. Create a BLE Server
//   2. Create advertising data
//   3. Start advertising.   

#include <Arduino.h>
#include "NimBLEDevice.h"
#include "NimBLEBeacon.h"

// Freshly generated beacon UUID:
// or linux tool uuidgen
// msb nsb Address type:
//  0   0  private random non-resolvable
//  0   1  private random resolvable
//  1   1  random static address
// Make 2 most significant bits 1 to indicate a random static address for iBeacon.
#define BEACON_UUID "C6dd05d0-b428-4bd5-8831-4b62651e2b41" // Beacon UUID 128-Bit 

// Comment-out to disable iBeacon naming.

// Select iBeacon name to advertise.
#define iBEACON_NAME "ESP32-iBeacon"

// Choose a transmit power.
// -12dBmW - 0.0625mW
// -9dBmW  - 0.125mW
// -6dBmW  - 0.250mW
// -3dBmW  - 0.500mW
//  0dBmW  - 1.000mW
//  3dBmW  - 2.000mW
//  6dBmW  - 4.000mW
//  9dBmW  - 8.000mW
#define iBEACON_POWER  ESP_PWR_LVL_N0  // 1.000mW

// Average received transmission power in dBmW @ 1 meter. 
// Measure and record RSSI at 1 meter over 10-sec then record the average.
#define MEASURED_POWER -60 

// Global Advertising(er) object used to control the Advertisement.
BLEAdvertising *pAdvertising;

void setup() {


  Serial.printf("start %s\n", iBEACON_NAME);
  // Initialise the NimBLE library, witholding any advertisable name for now.

  // Set transmitter power.

  // Get a pointer to an Advertising(er) instance, for subsequent population.
  pAdvertising = BLEDevice::getAdvertising();
  // Create and initialise AdvertisementData object.
  BLEAdvertisementData oAdvertisementData = BLEAdvertisementData();
  // Create and initialise ScanResponseData object.
  BLEAdvertisementData oScanResponseData = BLEAdvertisementData();

  // Populate ScanResponse with iBeacon's name.

  // Set Advertisement flags to indicate capabilities and features of
  // this Bluetooth device. iBeacon is a generally discoverable BLE device.
  //   LE Limited Discoverable Mode         0x01
  //   LE General Discoverable Mode         0x02
  //   BR/ERD Not Supported                 0x04   (device only supports BLE)
  //   LE and BR/EDR Capable (Controller)   0x08
  //   LE and BR/EDR Capable (Host)         0x0F
  oAdvertisementData.setFlags(0x06); // LE General Discoverable Mode 0x02 | BR/ERD Not Supported 0x04

  // Assemble the manufacturer_data.
  BLEBeacon oBeacon = BLEBeacon();
  oBeacon.setManufacturerId(0x4C00); // Use Apple 0x004C ID without license, as no iPhone App
  oBeacon.setSignalPower((char)MEASURED_POWER); // Add the measured power value
  // Add manufacturer_data to AdvertisementData.
  std::string strServiceData = "";
  strServiceData += (char)(26);     // Length of the manufacturer_data
  strServiceData += (char)0xFF;     // Indicates that type is manufacturer_data
  strServiceData += oBeacon.getData(); 

  // Add AdvertisementData to Advertising(er).
  // Add ScanResponseData to Advertising(er).

  // Choose an Advertising mode for the Advertising(er).
  // iBeacon is a non-connectable, undirected broadcaster,
  // set the appropriate PDU type in the packet header.
  //   BLE_GAP_CONN_MODE_NON (non-connectable; 3.C.9.3.2).
  //   BLE_GAP_CONN_MODE_DIR (directed-connectable; 3.C.9.3.3).
  //   BLE_GAP_CONN_MODE_UND (undirected-connectable; 3.C.9.3.4).

   // Start advertising
  Serial.println("Advertising started...");

void loop() {


Nordic nRF Connect mobile app screenshots

passive scan of nameless build

active scan of build with name

Prototypical reference:

Suggested reading: (no affiliation).